#rsrh Meek: Crist tried to bribe me with Jesus.

I’m paraphrasing.

Florida independent Senate candidate Charlie Crist personally lobbied Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek to exit the race this week, offering him a cross that had been a gift from his sister, Mr. Meek said Friday.


(Via Hot Air)

Moe Lane

PS: And at an AIPAC meeting, too. Bet that raised a few eyebrows.

PPS: Crist apparently likes to call people at 4 AM and ask them to drop out of federal-level races. Just in case you were wondering if this guy could get any creepier.

PPPS: And yet the Democratic party wants him over Meek.  What the heck is the next self-destructive behavior pattern for that party’s leadership?  Cutting?


4 thoughts on “#rsrh Meek: Crist tried to bribe me with Jesus.”

  1. Moe – Babe:

    :-O There’s Alex Sink all over your page !!

    Quick – WASH – in really REALLY hot water. You’ve been infected by the Democrat Wanna Buy Your Site Virus.

    You poor, poor man !!

  2. Cutting would be a step up for them, actually. Right now, they seem enamored with constructing molds, stepping into them, filling the molds with concrete, waiting overnight for the concrete to harden whilst crying incessantly, and then having them friends drag them to — and throw them in — the nearest reasonably-sized body of water.

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