You’d play this.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) At least, those of you who play video games would play this.

Don’t try to lie about it, either.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m pretty sure that it’s not real.  Which is a pity: I need a new waiting-for-Dragon Age 2 game, now that I’ve done my third run-through of KOTOR 2 and have decided that I have no interest in a Dark Side run.

5 thoughts on “You’d play this.”

  1. The funny thing is, I’ve never played any of the Mario or the Grand Theft Auto games, and didn’t watch the Mario Brothers movie. But I’d totally fork out eight bucks to see this.

  2. @Kyle: that’s setting the bar kind of low, don’t you think? Lots of things are better than the actual Mario Brothers movie. An attack by rabid rats, for example.

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