#rsrh So. Peter Fonda. Crazy, huh? [NSFW]

Via Drudge, apparently Peter Fonda thinks that the President is a traitor who has inspired Peter Fonda to encourage firearms training in his grandchildren…

Before we go any further: go fuck yourself with a carbon credit folded up spiky, Peter Fonda.  Both for saying that shit, and for saying it in a way that will give your gun-grabber buddies extra ammunition against law-abiding firearms owners.

…because Fonda didn’t like Obama’s reaction to the British Petroleum oil spill.  As in, President Obama did not ritually sacrifice the top leadership of BP on a makeshift altar on a Louisiana beach in order to appease an angry and wounded Mother Ocean.  I have to wonder whether this was just a publicity stunt, though: Fonda’s going to have a movie out on the subject, you see.  God save us from the Activist Left…

Moe Lane

2 thoughts on “#rsrh So. Peter Fonda. Crazy, huh? [NSFW]”

  1. Just when you think the Activist Left can’t get any dumber, they prove you wrong.

  2. “can’t get any dumber”?

    That’s not a bet I’d ever take 🙂 To many of the “Activist” on either side stopped thinking once they convinced themselves they were right.

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