#rsrh The sentence Michele Bachmann should worry about.

And that’s specifically Rep. Bachmann.

[X] says he has made attempts to let the Bachmann campaign know about its alleged Iowa transgressions, but he hasn’t heard from anyone with the campaign since the Straw Poll.

‘X’ in this case is Ryan Rhodes, “director of the Iowa Tea Party;” the “alleged Iowa transgressions” are referenced in the article, and mostly refer to questions about whether Rep. Bachmann is making herself sufficiently accessible to supporters on the campaign trail (particularly in Iowa).  I used ‘X’ instead of the name because… well, while I do feel that Iowa voters are just the tiniest bit needy and cranky about what constitutes ‘sufficiently accessible,’ the truth of the matter is that few people in this business really think that her campaign is all that accessible, either.  It’s not the impervious stasis field that is the Sarah Palin whatever-it-is, but it’s not exactly transparent, either.

That may be a bit of a problem, because the other campaigns are being a bit more accessible.  I’d suggest that she look into this…

One thought on “#rsrh The sentence Michele Bachmann should worry about.”

  1. I have little patience for Iowa or NH access temper tantrums. The electorate would be better served if primaries were scheduled by lottery.

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