Food poisoning.

Unpleasant as hell; I’m drifting in and out of awareness and nausea.  Taking the rest of the day off.

15 thoughts on “Food poisoning.”

  1. Ooo sorry…had it once. Afraid I’d die then next minute, afraid I wouldn’t. Get well soon.

  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Sports drinks are probably a good choice; keep yourself hydrated AND electrolytes up.

  3. Or orange juice your going to need the potassium. The vitamin C won’t hurt either.

  4. I’m with BG5, what in the hell did you eat? So we can all avoid it. Hope it passes quickly!

  5. BTW, should’ve mentioned earlier – don’t drink the sports drinks for dehydration. Too much sugar. You just want as much water and salts as possible to replenish – I’d recommend something like Pedialyte – it’s used for kids to alleviate diarrhea and the dehydration that causes. Tastes awful but better for alleviating dehydration than just sugary drinks.

    Hope you’re feeling better!

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