…WOW! Obama’s terrified of losing Iowa!

I just literally hit ‘Publish’ and saw this in my Twitter feed:

Background here: short version was that the Register was being pushed around by Obama about publishing their prior-to-endorsement interview with him. Now I have to take back some of that stuff that I said about the Register: clearly, they made Obama just a little bit… nervous. Well done, sirs.

Moe Lane

PS: See how that works, other newspapers?

12 thoughts on “…WOW! Obama’s terrified of losing Iowa!”

  1. I’d wait to see what questions were actually asked before giving the register too much credit. I suspect it was a “Pimp with a Limp” interview. Chicago didn’t know that going in but now – why not?

  2. I hope he can win Iowa, because Ras has OH tied today w/ indies leaning to Obama in an R+1 sample.

  3. Shame on @DMRegister too little, too late. They agreed to take the call off the record. They had never done that before. To decide after the call, with Obama’s permission, to then go on-record — that is very different. You don’t get to “see how it goes” and then decide if you liked the product. Maybe they do that only for candidates who were nominated for a peace prize after 4 weeks in office.

  4. But what if, in the Register’s opinion, the OFF the record interview with the President was not particularly flattering to him? Would they have publicly pressed the Obama campaign to go ON the record? Methinks not.

  5. Flattery, Mr. Ed, is in the eye of the beholder.
    (insert TSR Monster Manual ref. here)

  6. You missed the point. Obama got to first check and see if the interview turned out OK, before they allowed the media to print it. It’s like Anita Hill’s lie detector test.

  7. @acat

    >>>Okay, more seriously, of course Obama’s freaking out about losing Iowa. The only way Obama can win without Ohio is if he takes Iowa plus New Hampshire plus Colorado

    Colorado is gone for Obama.

    Swinging more every day and about to 60 Romney on Intrade (FWIW)…

  8. I tip my nonexistent hat to Aaron Gardner for his part in fixing Colorado’s blue spell.
    I am concerned (elections have !consequences!) that the fix is only short-term, and if we were having this conversation on Red State, I’d be asking if anyone’s seen NightTwister around for a second opinion .. but Romney winning Colorado is still very welcome news.

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