Senator Carl Levin (D, Michigan) to retire*.

Just coming in over the wires: guess the Senator wasn’t willing to serve one more term.  Surprising, actually.

As to my list of vulnerable 2014 Senators: he was Low Risk, largely because I figured that the only way he’d leave was if Levin was tapped for a Cabinet post.  But a retirement works, too.  Bad news for Democrats, because that’s going to be an expensive seat to keep…

Moe Lane

*I’d say ‘cuts and runs,’ except that this may be health-related (no personal knowledge, but he’s not looking so hot), and I do have SOME scruples.

8 thoughts on “Senator Carl Levin (D, Michigan) to retire*.”

  1. I know there has been rumor of Amash trying for that seat, the MSM in MI has already been busy trying to tear him down

  2. Just a shorter, smarter, and slightly thinner version of Nadler 1.0. Good to see the chance (so MI is saying there’s a chance)he can be replaced by an R.

    I wish him well as an ex Senator, hope the health rumor is wrong.

  3. Levin hasn’t looked good for a long time not sure we’re up to this just yet here. I guess we’ll just have to see. Sometimes the only way to know if you can win a fight is to fight.

    1. “Sometimes the only way to know if you can win a fight is to fight.”

      Catseyes, that’s strikes a cord, one we can use as we pick ourselves up and jump back in the fray. For too long our side has ceded ground without even trying – it’s a wonder we’re still around.

      1. The Dems took Massachusetts, back in the day, by simply running a candidate – even a lousy one – in every single race.
        They knew that, statistically, eventually a GOPer would get caught with his trousers down and the Dem would win.
        If the Illinois (and other) Blue-State GOP leadership could be persuaded to pick up this tactic …

  4. Considering how well R’s have done in state elections, this should be considered a toss-up seat, yes? Could Granholm run for it on the Dem side? Is she popular enough to lock it up easily?

  5. There’s .. something interesting buried in Levin’s departing remarks.

    A third item I want to tackle is a growing blight on our political system that I believe I can help address: the use of secret money to fund political campaigns. Our tax laws are supposed to prevent secret contributions to tax exempt organizations for political purposes. My Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations needs to look into the failure of the IRS to enforce our tax laws and stem the flood of hundreds of millions of secret dollars flowing into our elections, eroding public confidence in our democracy.

    Now, I’m sure the Obamaphiles will latch onto this and start screaming “Koch Bros.” or “Halliburton” or something, but .. this applies equally well to Soros and to OFA’s habitual tampering with credit card validations.
    This cat wonders if, just perhaps, Levin has realized where his class interests actually are…

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