In the Mail: Newt Gingrich’s Breakout.

Specifically: Breakout: Pioneers of the Future, Prison Guards of the Past, and the Epic Battle That Will Decide America’s Fate.  I don’t particularly care for contemporary political books, as probably everybody here knows: but I will admit to having a certain admiration for Newt Gingrich*, if for no other reason than that Newt represents just how far a science fiction nerd can get in this country.

And Speaker of the House is pretty dang far.  There are people who argue that it’s a sweeter deal than President of the United States.

Anyway, the book appears to be a look at what, precisely, is stopping – or at least delaying** – various trans-formative events in various fields.  Spoiler warning: Newt thinks that the culprits are folks who find that the current situation suits them, and who don’t want to rock the boat.  It looks interesting so far: once I’m done I’ll tell you how it went.

Moe Lane

Full disclosure: Regnery published the book; Regnery is owned by Eagle Publishing; Eagle also owns RedState; I am a Contributing Editor for RedState.

*An admission that would have appalled the 1996 me, by the way; admittedly, back then I was a Democrat.

**That may just be me saying that: I do not believe that you can stop it from being steam-engine time forever, but Newt Gingrich might end up agreeing with me.

7 thoughts on “In the Mail: Newt Gingrich’s Breakout.”

    1. A friend of mine founded and ran a 400-person supercomputer laboratory. Newt visited one day, and my friend talked to him one-on-one for an hour or so. He later described Newt as “one of the smartest people I’ve met, and certainly the smartest politician.”

      1. I admit being a huge fan of “Push Back Against the Media Newt”.
        I also supported him in the last Presidential go-round. By the time my state’s turn came around, he was the only one left who’d actually advanced a Conservative cause. (Didn’t matter, Romney won the precinct easily. It’s the downside of living in an area where Mormons make up roughly 50% of the population.)

  1. The people who run planned economies HATE innovation. New inventions and discoveries upset the Master Plan and make the self-proclaimed Smartest People in the Room look bad.

    1. The common comparison is China under its’ emperors, and Valencia under the Borgias.
      The former managed a very *very* long-term innovation-free (but stable) stagnation, the latter managed an *intense* short-term high-innovation period.
      Which, in your opinion, more closely mirrors the U.S. circa 1780 or 1880 or 1980, and which more closely mirrors the technocrat dream?

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