Katu.com gets a key detail RIGHT on ‘guy attacks car with sword’ story.

I have so much respect for Katu.com right now. Background: a woman got her car attacked by a guy in chainmail and a sword. She called that in to 911, reporting that a pirate was attacking her. The cops show up, put the guy in custody. And then

Bass told officers that he wasn’t a pirate but a “high-elf engaged in battle with the evil Morgoth.”

Morgoth is a character created by JRR Tolkien in a prequel to the Lord of the Rings stories. In the stories, he is the character from which all evil grew.

…Dear God. That’s right.  That is a true statement.  Whoever wrote the article correctly identified Morgoth, and his role in Tolkien’s mythology.  In other words, a news media entity got a science fiction/fantasy reference right.  This never happens!

Well done, Katu.com.  Well done.

Via Do-Gooder Press.

Moe Lane

PS: No, alcohol was apparently not involved.  The guy said that he was actually on LSD.  Personally, if I was going to give my opinion about doing acid – WHICH YOU SHOULD NEVER DO, KIDS – I would suggest that you lock up all weapons, armor, and car keys before ‘dropping’ a ‘tab.’ But that’s just common sense.

4 thoughts on “Katu.com gets a key detail RIGHT on ‘guy attacks car with sword’ story.”

  1. Wow, kudos to katu.com, then!
    And yeah, but the problem with common sense is that it isn’t very common.

    1. I swear to any deity you want, this actually happened at my high school graduation — Westchester High in Los Angeles, a thousand years ago. In one of the obligatory speeches at the event, our somewhat befuddled principal reassured the crowd that the current generation of kids was really turning out okay, and that only a tiny minority was fooling around with drugs like LDS. About a quarter of the families of the students were Mormon. I don’t know if anyone ever told him why the crowd burst into laughter.

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