Rejoice, Citizen! The Paranoia Bundle of Holding is now available for voluntary enjoyment!

The Paranoia Bundle of Holding is one set of RPG PDFs that I will pick up… next week, when the cash flow, well, flows.  For those who don’t know: Paranoia is a RPG about bureaucracy, paranoia (obviously), satire, humor, and tactical nuclear grenades.  It is so notoriously lethal that every player starts with six clones, on the perfectly correct assumption that they’ll be needed to get the character through a single adventure.  It’s hysterical, it’s iconic, and it’s the latest version, which corrected a heck of a lot of problems from the latest vers-



Citizens are reminded that all rumors of an immediately previous edition of Paranoia are treasonous Communist propaganda, and punishable by summary execution.  The Computer has ensured that the perfection of Paranoia has been steadily improved; please report all rumors of previous editions to Internal Security for investigation and brainscrub.

Have a nice day.

5 thoughts on “Rejoice, Citizen! The Paranoia Bundle of Holding is now available for voluntary enjoyment!”

  1. Now fondly remembering the Paranoia Olympics with such events as the 1500 Meter Long Drop.

  2. Why do you always have to point out the awesome Bundles of Holding, Moe? Why don’t you want me to keep any of my money?

  3. Attention all Troublshooters, you have the mandatory bonus duty of stopping by R&D for equipment requisition!
    All equipment is certified by your friend, The Computer. Any malfunctions are surely the work of commiemutanttraitor saboteurs!
    Stay alert! Trust no-one! Keep your laser handy!

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