The ‘paralyzed President’ ain’t moving that needle, by the way.

This is the point in the National Journal’s “How Does a Paralyzed President Move the Needle?” that I started murmuring There you go again:

Boxed in by events largely beyond its control…

As God is my witness, one of the best things about 2017 will be that the media will suddenly be embracing again the precept that Command Takes Responsibility.  It may be teeth-gratingly infuriating that they only give this kind of cover to Democratic Presidents – which tells you everything that you need to know about how competent the media thinks Democrats are at running the country – but I can grin and bear it if it means having a Republican in the White House.  Besides: I got kids, and they need to hear that particular message all of the time, not just half of it.

Moe Lane

10 thoughts on “The ‘paralyzed President’ ain’t moving that needle, by the way.”

  1. Kudos, Moe. I wish more parents took that kind of responsibility for their kids.

  2. This is what happens when you (the royal ‘you’ because I know that no one here would vote for Obama) elect someone unqualified. Our next president must be, or has been, a governor.

    1. Our next President needs to be a Conservative… I can think of at least one Senator that would likely make a decent President (Ted Cruz).

      Remember Mr. Etch-a-sketch was a governor and we ran him against a walking teleprompter.

      1. Disagree, Garfield. The presidency is about far more than just ideology, it’s about competence in an executive role, even if that proceeds only as far as personnel matters.
        Cruz is *ideologically* much better suited to be a thorn in the side of the majority leader – regardless of which party has the majority.
        Perry has the executive experience, to name another Texan, as do Walker and Jindal – Cruz doesn’t.

        1. The throne of skulls would look nice behind the Reliant desk, wouldn’t it? *evil grin*

        2. Unless Perry can make several stellar debate performances, he wouldn’t be a good choice.

          One could argue that Ted Cruz has leadership experience, and to be honest we don’t simply need someone with executive experience, we need someone who can lead.

          We also tend to do better when we nominate candidates that are charismatic.

          1. That requires that someone charismatic (to people outside his or her core voters) run, which is hardly a sure thing in the GOP. Of course, being more charismatic than Hillary will not be much of a challenge (if she’s the actual nominee, which I still have my doubts on).

          2. Dave R – absolutely! Perry could pull it off .. hell, *most* of the GOP governors could pull it off. (yes, even the New Jersey Whale)
            I repeat the theory that Hillary is just a stalking-horse, she’ll drop out and endorse another candidate (who would blow themselves out of the water in a longer race..) once the GOP side fixate on her. (think McLame 2008)

      2. “Our next President needs to be a Conservative…”
        Well, I thought that was a given. I love Marco Rubio, but I think he should be governor of Florida first.

        1. Definitely, Gator.
          Gov. Rubio sounds even better than Gov. Cantor… and the experience – in *both* cases – may reveal some higher-office potential.
          For once, the GOP is *not* short on potential timber.

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