Today’s anti-Israel depravity from Vox.

I’ve decided not to put this up at RedState [My colleagues have persuaded me to put this up at RedState: personally, I think that after a certain point you shouldn’t give valuable front-page space to attacking hate sites, but the aforementioned colleagues were pretty vehement that I should do so in this case] I’m pretty close to writing Vox off as an openly anti-Semitic website, and we don’t give those things any traffic. Still… dear God but this article reeks: “Yes, Gaza militants hide rockets in schools, but Israel doesn’t have to bomb them.

…I submit to all of you that when the first half of your headline concedes that one side is committing war crimes (a phrase that does not appear anywhere in that article), the second half of your headline should not try to find balance. There is no ‘balance.’ PJ Tatler summed it up pretty starkly: ‘Hiding weapons of war in schools is a war crime, straight up. Targeting civilians intentionally, as Hamas does, is also a war crime.’ If ordinary Palestinians don’t want to get bombed in retaliation for these war crimes, then I suggest that they start shooting on sight the malignant sons-of-bitches in Hamas who keep using them as human shields. Because that’s the only way this is going to end: Hamas cannot survive in Palestine without the good will of the Palestinians.

I’m sorry, but I’m tired of the Left treating the Palestinians as children incapable of either agency, or the ability to make moral choices. No good will come of doing that.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Here’s the thing about trying to prick my conscience with the thought of dead kids: it doesn’t work if I think that you’re a Jew-hating death-lover, or an apologist for same.

PPS: Jeff Bezos sometimes wakes up in a cold sweat, fresh from a nightmare where he had actually funded this tripe.  Or so I assume.

15 thoughts on “Today’s anti-Israel depravity from Vox.”

  1. What Vox fails to realize is that according to the laws of war, when you move weapons systems into an area that is supposed to be safe, you have made it a legitimate target.
    And to be blunt, the Palestinians as a whole have no problem with Hamas’s actions. Bed, made, lay in it.

    1. You give them too much credit. I think they’re perfectly aware of such but think that somehow Israel is simultaneously bound and NOT bound by the Geneva conventions.

      1. Like a lot of left wing types in this country, it grates on the nerves of the folks at Vox that those darn Israelis aren’t just dying off like they were supposed to back in WW2.
        oops. Sorry. Did that come across as too bitter and annoyed?

      2. I’ve had the argument before.
        They truly have no idea what’s in the Geneva Conventions, and have no interest in learning. Their condemnation is all about how an action makes them feel. And *that’s* all in the framing.

  2. Is there anywhere where people site VOX stories as actual sources and taking them seriously or do people across the political spectrum think of them as mock worthy?

    I actually wonder this because I accidentally clicked over to the other day and thought I had landed on some sort of parody site. I don’t look at that sort of thing very often or watch MSNBC so I’m worried that there’s a great gulf between the realities of the Right and Left. When viewed from the right, VOX is a stumbling cluster of poorly researched anti-semitism but when viewed from the Left its a breath of fresh air, carefully untangling the complex news stories of the day is a way that the working man can finally understand.

  3. Saw an interview with Netanyahu last weekend. A comment of his stuck with me that gets to the point…(source)…”The difference between us, we are using missile defense to protect our civilians, and they’re using their civilians to protect their missiles.”

  4. I’ve been arguing on a seperate site over this issue, and it is extremely irritating when liberals try blaming Israel for civilian deaths, when Hamas is deliberately using civilians as human shields.

  5. To your last paragraph, Moe, I have a question.
    IF the Left do, indeed, believe that the Palestinians are “children incapable of either agency, or the ability to make moral choices”, THEN why does it *not* follow that *hard* enforcement of a cease-fire upon *both* sides is necessary?
    Granted, the Left labor under a severely (one might even say Lovecraftesque) distorted view of reality, but .. *at some point* the parents of the toddler kicking the seat must exercise restraint or risk ejection from the flight, eh?

    1. Upon reflection, I wouldn’t agree that the Left feels the Palestinians have no moral agency. I believe it to be the opposite, that the Left believes the Palestinians posses a moral courage in the struggle against the Jews that they need to support. Everyone has a role to play in The Struggle. Some smuggle missiles, some fire missiles, some are human shields for missiles, some provide journalistic cover for missile firing. They are all part of the same team with the lofty goal of driving the Jews to the sea.

      1. The conventional wisdom on the left, of course, is that victims of violence are automatically morally in the right, so that’s really all the explanation you need.

        1. Yep, jumping to the defense of the victim is generally a noble act .. however, once the violence stops, most cops know to ask who started it, as that will keep the parties talking long enough to review the physical evidence.

  6. I’d like to see the Palestinian Arabs start shooting the malignant bastards of Hamas on sight.
    But since those malignant bastards were freely elected by the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza, and there is dancing in the streets whenever those malignant bastards manage to murder an Israeli citizen, I won’t be holding my breath.
    At this point, I’m surprised that Israel hasn’t wiped Gaza off the map. I sure wouldn’t blame them if they did.

  7. “I’d like to see the Palestinian Arabs start shooting the malignant bastards of Hamas on sight.”

    This reminds me of an anecdote I read years ago somewhere, about pre-Muslim Arabic tribes infighting. There was supposedly one tribe that poisoned a well, which was verboten for reasons that should be obvious. The other tribes supposedly all temporarily allied with each other and wiped the poisoners out.

    Too bad the Palestinian leadership has spent a couple of generations teaching their people the opposite of that lesson.

  8. Could it be that the dipwads at Vox are so desperate for clicks that they’re resorting to trolling? What other reason is there to visit their site other than to see what sort of ludicrous gaffes they’ve committed each day. I don’t know of anyone who takes these juiceboxers seriously …
    Perhaps their business model is the Internet equivalent of a “pump and dump” stock strategy — inflate the numbers, cash in when some clueless corporation buys them out, and leave the suckers wondering what happened when nobody visits because the novelty has worn off.

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