Researchers create a nail polish that changes color when exposed to date rape drugs.

Engineering. It’s like magic, except that it actually works:

More here. As always, avoid the comments sections unless you enjoy watching people cut each other with knives over this particular topic*.  Personally, I take the position that, whatever your opinion is on the subject of just how common rape is in this culture, everybody should agree that the guy slipping a roofie in a girl’s drink is up to no good at all.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, I hope it’s not vaportech, too. Turns out that there are testing kits like this out on the market already: this is just a new application, if you will forgive the pun.

*There is apparently a certain class of ostensible feminist who gets upset at the idea that women should be encouraged to use any defensive behavior mechanisms whatsoever. As I said: this is a topic where people cut each other with knives/

9 thoughts on “Researchers create a nail polish that changes color when exposed to date rape drugs.”

    1. Gator, I’ll be happy to explain it to you. But first, get something to drink that’s strong enough to numb you. Go on…I’ll wait.
      OK, you’re back. Good. Settled in? Had a sip? Great. I’ll sum it up for you:
      In the eyes of feminists, any effort to teach women to protect themselves or to make products like this available is “Supporting rape culture and the patriarchy.” You see, men should just “not rape” and that’s the end of the discussion for the topic. Hope it helps.

  1. I still haven’t ever had it explained to me in a way that makes sense (and I never will, because there IS not sense to it) how it’s somehow “empowering” for a woman to essentially have to rely on a man’s good nature not to rape her — which is exactly what the feminists are preaching with their whole “the only acceptable solution is to teach men not to rape” — while a woman who looks after herself, knows how to defend herself, and is proactive in that defense is somehow “buying into the fear.”
    Anyone who espouses this theory is stupid, and needs to die before they contaminate the gene pool.

    1. The stupid, it burns!
      Marginally more seriously, because pop psych, this feminist crap has a strong whiff of narcissism (“the world will bow to my whim”) not to mention wish-think and denial.
      It’s a mental disorder that shows up on the left, from time to time, and .. it’s definitely a disorder since it requires ignoring reality and substituting a delusion.
      Sad, more than anything else…

  2. I like this, Moe. It’s good to see the engineers ignoring the ideological twaddle and proceeding to build the useful.
    p.s. I saw something similar, a while back, that had the sensor bits in a glass – if your glass started glowing, you’d been dosed .. fingernails make more sense as it does *not* follow that someone twisted enough to dose another person is stupid enough to not swap out the glass.

  3. How about the magic pill that tells you not to get wasted at a frat party with equally wasted people that you don’t know? Or is “common sense” just not in fashion?

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