Tweet of the Day, …I Roll To Disbelieve! I ROLL TO DISBELIEVE! Edition

I hope to God this isn’t as bad as it sounds.

Because if you don’t have a strategy, here’s a free one: shut your mouth until you do.

10 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, …I Roll To Disbelieve! I ROLL TO DISBELIEVE! Edition”

  1. Now Moe, you know Obama doesn’t dare “have a strategy” to “prosecute a war” .. the Anti-War Party would eat him alive. (something I’d pay to watch on pay-per-view, by the way .. )
    That said, I agree, this is the *worst* way to avoid success .. as the saying goes, if you don’t care where you’re going, any road’ll do.
    p.s. I rolled a natural double-zero. Is this a 2d10 universe?

  2. Just once this year I would like to read a news item about our beloved President that didn’t leave me muttering “You stupid ####### ####### ####### ##### ######!”
    Hasn’t happened yet …

  3. Hey, Jarret hasn’t finished decoding the message from Tehran yet. Once she does, he’ll know exactly what he’s supposed to do.

  4. I fervently hope and pray that on the cover of the first retrospective that is released after he is out of office will be inscribed in large block letters “We don’t have a strategy yet.”

  5. Sadly, the roll required to disbelieve would be back-to-back 40’s with 2D20’s.

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