Tweet of the Day, And That Just Gives You The Current State Of Play In Kentucky-SEN edition.

I think Mitch McConnell is going to be fine in this election.

And you can blame that squarely on Obamacare, actually. The fact that they had to force every Democratic Senator to vote for that piece of garbage in order to get it to pass has been nicely counteracting the “But I’m independent!” line that Democrats love to fall back on. …No, folks, they are not. When push comes to shove, a hypothetical Senator Grimes would sign off on whatever gun control bill Harry Reid would put in front of her. Or anything else, really.

There is no such thing as a conservative Democrat. They’ll betray you, every single time. Sure as day, sure as night.

Moe Lane

6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, And That Just Gives You The Current State Of Play In Kentucky-SEN edition.”

    1. Smell that? You smell that? Desperation. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of desperation in the morning. You know, one time we had an election in 2010. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn’t find one of ’em, not one Blue Dog Democrat. The smell, you know that desperate smell, the whole Capital Hill. Smelled like… victory. Someday this election’s gonna end- *suddenly walks off*

  1. Mitch McConnell has all of the vulnerabilities of a long-time incumbent and none of the strengths ( AKA well-liked by either his or his opponent’s party)

    And yet Democrats can’t run a credible candidate to save their lives.

    1. When your opponent is making a mistake, don’t interrupt.
      I’ll freely admit I’d be happier if McConnell had gone down in the primary, and that I’m ambivalent about him winning in the general .. but yeah, the Democrat party of Kentucky appear to be *very* out of step with the national party… and that leads to them having different problems than “we” do.

      1. Oh I’m not trying to rant against McConnell, only pointing out that he’s a big walking weakness waiting to be exploited and Democrats are too incompetent to even do that right.

        I mean there are several things KY Dems *could* do that would put Mitch on the ropes, and yet they haven’t been able to stumble upon even *one* of those thing.

        1. Running Beshear would have been a fairly obvious one…
          I think McConnell being a relatively weak/vulnerable majority leader may not be all bad .. but I’d really rather he were gone.

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