The first book printing drive for Stand Still, Stay Silent is up on Indiegogo. @SSSScomic

Link here.  Stand Still, Stay Silent, for those who don’t remember, is the best post-apocalyptic, Nordic/Scandinavian/Northern European themed horror webcomic that you’re likely ever to read.  The art is great and the writing keeps up with it; I love it to death, and so should you.

…and so goes away the PayPal reserves.  Ach, well, that’s what they’re there for.

2 thoughts on “The first book printing drive for Stand Still, Stay Silent is up on Indiegogo. @SSSScomic”

    1. Well, you were going to have to get it over with at some point. I’d recommend biting the bullet and just buying the PDF of A Redtail’s Dream; more convenient that way. 🙂

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