Quote of the Day, By All Means, The Latino Vote Should Punish Democrats edition.

I heartily endorse this sentiment.

…four Democratic senators used their sway to persuade Obama to throw Latinos under the bus until after the midterm elections. For Sens. Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu, Mark Pryor and Jeanne Shaheen, the lives of Latinos are not nearly as important as their personal political gain.


Presente Action is taking the bold move of asking our members to consider voting against the “dirty four” —the Senate Democrats who persuaded Obama to continue his inhumane deportations until after the election: that means you, Sens. Hagan, Landrieu, Pryor, and Shaheen.

Not the previous nonsense attacking the GOP, of course. But the author has a point: I mean, look at the African-American vote. Absolute brand loyalty to the Democrats, and all it gets that particular demographic is the back of the Democrats’ hands…

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

One thought on “Quote of the Day, By All Means, The Latino Vote Should Punish Democrats edition.”

  1. If they really want to get noticed they going to have to vote out a lot more Dem’s then just four Senators.

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