The inevitable ‘Battle of the Five Armies Trailer’ post.

Half of you will hate it, half of you will love it – and half of you who hate it will be going to see it on the first night anyway, and half of you who love it will be wincing at That Scene (you’ll know it when you see it, trust me). Me? …I’m good, thanks.

6 thoughts on “The inevitable ‘Battle of the Five Armies Trailer’ post.”

  1. What scene are you talking about? I didn’t wince at anything. I loved the last two movies, so nothing about this trailer makes me wince.

      1. *phft* People need to learn to lighten about the small stuff. People were all up in arms about the love triangle in the last movie and was actually under the mistaken impression that involved Thorin Oakenshield (which, while I wasn’t totally against the idea, it did sound really bad). However after watching the movie, I was in how they handle the whole situation.

        1. Why are the people who would get up in arms about it watching the movie in the first place? They know it’s going to depart from the text (often for the shallowest of reasons, or no reason at all).
          I say this as someone who thinks Peter Jackson’s LotR movies were an abomination, and expects that the The Hobbit films are worse.
          Why would anyone pay good money to see something that they *know* is going to piss them off?

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