White blackshirt anarchists at #ferguson visibly unable to understand burnt flag being retrieved.

Not that I’m surprised, or anything.  After all, it’s an American thing: they wouldn’t understand.

Via The Blaze.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m not the one who separated the Hard Left, largely Caucasian, Marxist-anarchist blackshirts from this country.  They did it to themselves. I’m just not going to pretend that they’re Americans, in any meaningful sense of the term outside of the strictly legal one.

5 thoughts on “White blackshirt anarchists at #ferguson visibly unable to understand burnt flag being retrieved.”

  1. When I relayed this story to my girlfriend, including the dialogue between the Guardsman and the protester, her response was “If it’s just a piece of cloth, why did they burn it?”
    This is one of a number of reasons why it’s valuable for us political junkies to have a good friend that’s not into politics, but willing to tolerate you talking about politics, most of the time anyways: they can sometimes make the big-picture observations that we might overlook.

    1. I have a co-worker, whose a bit of a civil libertarian ( when it comes to drugs, guns, and taxes)

      But buys into plenty of “progressive” arguments about many issues.

      Ultimately he’s pretty politically uninvolved ( as is typical of millennial)

      I’m slowly trying to get him to be a sort of center-right independent.

      Stuff like this that the media ( through their silence) and the Academia (through their historical revisionism and promotion of “radical studies”) support, helps make the battle of ideas more clear cut for the politically uninvolved.

  2. “It’s not their flag” well it sure as capital H E double hockey sticks ain’t yours dude.

  3. Props to the guardsmen. They handled the situation much better than I would have.
    I freely admit that I’d love to hear smugboy choking on his teeth. But there’s quite a lot to be said for conducting yourself with dignity.

  4. As I’ve said elsewhere:

    Dear Leftists,

    Please secede. I’ll keep my country and Constitution. You go off and build your leftwing Utopia; prove how awesome it’ll be. I’ll help you pack.

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