Elizabeth Warren’s Cromnibus Cui Bono?

Interesting point here from Glenn Reynolds: “You know, it’s cynical but I wonder if part of Warren’s trouble with Cromnibus is the campaign-finance provision that would give the party apparat a lot more power.”  …You know, that very well could be the reason why Elizabeth Warren is pushing this.  God knows that it can’t be because of any genuine populism on her, or indeed any national Democrat’s, part: that crowd hasn’t generated a true, authentic populist since William Jennings Bryan. Political calculation really does seem to be the simpler explanation that fits all the facts.

One thought on “Elizabeth Warren’s Cromnibus Cui Bono?”

  1. Have to say, it’s a bizarre world when we’re looking to Elizabeth Warren to shoot down a spending bill OUR leadership ought to have destroyed. No really. Let’s give Obama an out and thumb our nose at our own base right after winning control of the Senate.

    Establishment idiots. I am 100% on board with Ace’s plan to tank 10-12 of our Beltway apologists in the House, starting with Boehner. Primary 1st, if the Establishment bails them out, vote anything but GOP to ensure they lose. 2 years later, return the seat to a safe GOP one–with anyone but the now-retired moron in place.

    Rinse and repeat every House cycle until the GOP is clear we will not–CANNOT stand for “Representatives” of and for K-Street.

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