Don’t quit your day job, Mike Huckabee.

I mean that literally.  I got nothing in particular against the man, but

Breaking: Mike Huckabee‘s final “Huckabee” will air tonight, TVNewser has learned. Huckabee will announce on his show that he is parting ways with Fox News as he explores the possibility of a presidential run. The show was taped at Fox News studios in Manhattan this evening and will air tonight at 8pmET.

…we’re good for Presidential candidates already, thanks.  When was the last time this guy was in office, anyway? 2007, right?  Hate to break it to people, but a line of more qualified candidates has already formed. 2012 was probably the man’s best year for this sort of thing.

11 thoughts on “Don’t quit your day job, Mike Huckabee.”

    1. Agreed on all fronts. The man is a southern-fried Jesus-statist .. I wouldn’t vote for him if Beelzebubba was running as the Dem candidate.
      Sad of him to remove all doubt that he’s a fool…. except from a certain subset of easily led sheep.

      1. I remember being aghast that he was running to the Left of both Hillary and Obama. In the Republican primary. And having success doing it.
        I’d sooner vote for SMoD.
        (Even so, I’m slightly more likely to vote for him than I am Jeb. Of course both approach zero…)

        1. Yep, I know I’d disagree with Gov. Perry on several points starting with whether there is a deity., although he seems more willing than Huck to live and let live.

  1. 2008 was his last chance. Not that he had one really (he’s far too left of center economically and a bit of a nanny), but it was his best opening. Only out of office a year or two, still had a relevant record to run on, his nannyish tendencies weren’t as annoying at the time. I do wish more of these guys who missed their shots years ago (Huckabee, Gingrich, Pataki, etc.) would just get out of the way or get behind someone else.

  2. Why is it that the least qualified Rs last holding public office back in 06 are the ones running. Why is it that guys like Daniels or Pawlenty, never run or only run once and do didly squat but guys like Santorum, Cain, Carson, and Huckabee run all the time.

    1. Because the least qualified guys are scamming for donations without the intention of winning. Won’t stop them from sucking up oxygen from better candidates, the jerks.

      Santorum is operating on the delusion that his performance at the end of the `12 primary was his doing and not because he was just the last non-Romney candidate to get his turn in the limelight.

      Pawlenty’s piss poor campaign saddened me. He flopped so quickly and completely it was like he was doing it on purpose, and the kicker was that if he had instead just run for re-election as Gov, he would have won easily and had a R house and senate in MN for 2010 and been able to do great things in his home state for at least 2 years and the train wreck of the 2012 election in MN might have been avoided.

      Daniels, sadly, was too short to be president. And his wife is a source of drama. He wouldn’t have worked out.

  3. Tim fizzled hard in Iowa, where he should have pulled in big numbers. not sure why but i suspect he just doesn’t have that fire in the belly that makes you borderline insane. i think Mitch mostly didn’t want the media to put his wife and kids thru the special kind of hell reserved for the families of Republican candidates. related note – it’s about time we pick out a group of reporters, maybe 50-100, who are sure to be dragging families thru the mud, and do serious oppo research on them.

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