Harry Reid’s medical condition continues to slightly disquiet me.

(Via Instapundit) OK, if this was supposed to reassure me about Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s medical condition: well, it didn’t.

Minority Whip Richard J. Durbin, who is filling in for Reid on the floor during his absence, said he left the meeting encouraged about Reid’s condition.

“I’d been told what his condition was, and I was pleasantly surprised that he really was strong and lucid and involved, engaged. It was like a meeting in his office, and so that was encouraging,” the Illinois Democrat said. “Make no mistake: this was a serious trauma. Imagine going face first through a windshield of a car. That is what happened to him.”

…Wait, what the heck was Harry Reid doing? The reason why people don’t like going face first through a windshield of a car is that the scenario involves breaking a lot of heavy glass with your head, at high speeds. I am trying to conceive of an exercise regime where this combination of impact and speed can be duplicated in your living room, and failing.

Also: up until Dick Durbin’s comments I was operating under the assumption that Reid was acting lucid, involved, and engaged.  That the Senator felt the need to reassure me on something that I did not need reassurance on makes me wonder whether I should be more worried about Harry Reid’s baseline neurological state. There’s something weird going on here, in other words.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m not a doctor, but in my experience people don’t get bandages for black eyes.  They do get them for broken eye sockets, and if you do a Google image search for ‘broken eye socket’ (it’s not the most pleasant Google image search in the world, mind you) that looks a bit more consistent with how Harry Reid looks. Seriously, if this was done by malfunctioning exercise equipment, that company needs to do a recall.

Moe Lane

9 thoughts on “Harry Reid’s medical condition continues to slightly disquiet me.”

  1. I will just mention that Durbin is known as the Eddie Haskell of Illinois politics .. if his lips are moving, he’s lying .. but he’s *clever* about it.
    This doesn’t make the comments about Reid any less disturbing .. if anything, it makes things *worse*.
    p.s. Doing weighted push-ups (push-ups with a weighted sandbag on your back, sometimes used to cut the total number of push-ups done during a workout…) on top of a glass coffee table would be .. perhaps similar .. but *NO* reputable personal trainer would put a client on a glass table in the first place ..

  2. I had read it was an elastic band that snapped. Those can carry a lot of force (lines under tension like that can kill you, no problem). I am, however, surprised that Mr. Reid was able to generate that much tension. No offense to him, but he has the look of someone who would have difficulty with a strong breeze.

    Someone might be quick to point out that we are all eager to meet this new lucid, involved and engaged Harry Reid. I’m a better person than that, thankfully.

    1. I, however, am most decidedly not a better person tg an that. I’d take Harry Reid out of the senate any way it happens, and be damned glad his ability to damage the republic is at an end. Sadly, insanity seems no bar to holding high political office…..

  3. There are now reports that he was also concussed (which is not the least bit surprising, given he hit his head hard enough to break bones).


    The comments about him being “lucid and engaged” may be an indication of how severe it was. Of course any concussion in a 75 year old has to be concerning, even if he has spent most of his life in one of the cushiest desk jobs known to man.

  4. I’ve wondered if he had disappointed some One, and was reminded of the consequences.
    Okay, yeah, part of my criteria during the primaries was whether the candidate would meekly surrender to their dependents being used as leverage. I was not and am not certain that it happens.
    Geriatrics with senile dementia can be surprisingly fragile.

  5. The whole being hit in the face by an exercise band doesn’t seem very likely. What seems more likely is he was attempting to lift more weight then advisable and lost his balance and was slammed into the machine. But then the question would be why lie? I have a real problem with any exercise band strong enough to break bones.

  6. “That the Senator felt the need to reassure me on something that I did not need reassurance on makes me wonder whether I should be more worried about Harry Reid’s baseline neurological state.”

    Moe, I’ve been saying for months that Reid’s slipped off the deep end. I think the guy is actually batshit insane, and that’s frightening. You should have been questioning his baseline neurological condition for some time now, IMO.

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