Tweet of the Day, When Drones Go Bad edition.

You knew this was inevitable.

On the other hand: imagine the upcoming bad cable TV shows about renegade drone operators! Drone Pirates! – or something like that. You’ll be amazed at just how thoroughly and spectacularly a quadcopter can blow up…

4 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, When Drones Go Bad edition.”

  1. I’m ashamed to admit I’d watch that show. One drone-cam watching two(or more!) other drone-mules duke it out in the air? You know the cartels will be pirating each other’s stuff at some point. And *someone* is no doubt figuring out how to snatch Amazon and pizza deliveries.
    *grabs popcorn*

  2. … so “drones” are going to be the next thing that makes TV look dated?
    I mean, the ubiquity of cell phones makes everything shot in the mid-’90s or earlier look dated .. “Use your cell phone! .. oh wait…” having been uttered more than once.
    Should I expect calls of “Use your drone! .. oh wait..” to start soon?
    p.s. how long before hackers release “drone control kits” for Droid that let person B seize control of a drone operated by person A?

  3. Reading the title and looking at the picture, I thought it was a drug abuse problem.

  4. “Drone Wars.” Sounds like a Star Wars serial. Not that I would complain much, mind you. Time for jamming aircraft along the borders (if they are not already there) and tracing the radio emissions back to source, which is already so old-school I don’t even have to describe how it works.*

    *The circumscribed radius of a drone that won’t be picked up as an aircraft does limit this method of delivery; and pre-programmed launch means that the drone must touch down in a certain pre-selected area in order for the cargo to be quickly recovered and the recovery party given ample time to vamoose. Add difficult terrain, darkness, and any type of undergrowth and the problems just multiply. Not insurmountable, just more bigger problems.

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