The Left starts to gingerly contemplate reassessing the inevitability of Hillary.

And so it begins:

…if she were to suddenly take herself out of the race in, say, two months’ time, there would be a massive sense of doom within the party. The shock of the decision would reverberate for weeks — and maybe even months — making it hard for anyone looking to fill the void she left behind.


Simply put: For Clinton to pass on the race — and especially if she waits until summer to make her decision public — would be absolutely disastrous for her party’s chances of holding onto the White House next November.

The article goes on to assume that of course Hillary Clinton will run because dear God please she has to run otherwise the Left will have to take Moonbeam Brown seriously as a Presidential candidate. But that’s the problem, isn’t it? I mean, imagine for a moment that the Democrats had a cadre of successful two-term governors (including women and minorities) and dynamic first-term Senators, the majority of whom were in their forties or fifties. In that situation, does anybody really think that there’d be any enthusiasm for an elderly former Senator and Secretary of State who also had significant amounts of baggage?

No, of course not.  But, thanks largely to a blind and largely foolish faith in the messianic qualities of Barack Obama, the Democrats have been reduced to a situation where Martin O’Malley and Joe Biden are considered to be viable Presidential candidates.  And, like a tongue exploring a sore tooth, Democratic strategists keep coming back to that fundamental problem for them: it’s Hillary, or nobody.

Whee! I mean, I figure that we win either way, there. Possibly to our disgust, sure, but a win’s a win.

6 thoughts on “The Left starts to gingerly contemplate reassessing the inevitability of Hillary.”

  1. Yeah, both the Clinton and Obama have been tactical, with no other strategy other then “I win”, which required there be no rival Democrats with power. I’m sure the FBI files were very helpful in that regard. Whoops! The long run has come, and they are not dead…..

  2. They still have time to sift through the wreckage consisting of the political careers Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid have left strewn across the American landscape to find a viable candidate.

  3. Hillary is known to hold a grudge she just might view waiting to the last minute to pull out as payback for choosing O’bama over her.

    1. I honestly think she gave up after the “reset button” fiasco. I think it was the first time she was actually treated like an equal……

      1. I don’t know if that was the point in time, but I’ve thought for a while she wouldn’t run. She’s somewhat old, with some sort of undisclosed medical condition. Leaving the possibility of a run for President open had a lot to do with the huge sums she was able to command as a speaker, though.

        1. Leaving the possibility of a run for President open had a lot to do with the huge sums she was able to command as a speaker, though.

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