Look, Gawker is porno. That’s all it is. Specialized porno.

Cathy Young points out something rather obvious:

…Gawker inevitably incurred the wrath of the progressives who had been the core of its respectable following—people like journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose tweet condemning the story noted that he was “a fan of Gawker,” or one of Gawker’s own more prominent ex-staffers, Adam Weinstein. But the fact that Gawker was seen as acceptable in polite liberal society until now says a lot about the climate on the cultural left.

It does, indeed. Specifically, it says that a lot of the cultural Left has a taste for the worst kind of political-cultural porno.  Now, I’m not the sort of guy who judges other people for their tastes in (legal) porno. I merely ask that people with a taste in the nastier (but still legal) kinds of porno not wave that porno around in public and bother the rest of us. Gawker devotees have long made a habit of breaking this particular social convention, and I for one am grandly unconcerned that some of them are trying now to avoid the consequences of that. If they don’t want to be judged for liking Gawker porno, then maybe they shouldn’t have savored Gawker porno in public.

Via @EsotericCD.

Moe Lane

PS: Between the first draft of this post and now Gawker… ‘head honcho,’ I guess… Nick Denton felt that he needed to weigh in on why the fact that Gawker’s political porno is currently publicly toxic should not be taken into consideration when one is contemplating one’s future political porno needs. It’s a fascinating whine, not least because Denton apparently never read Rudyard Kipling’s observation about journalism:

[As] soon as the staff realised that they had proprietors who backed them right or wrong, and specially when they were wrong (which is the sole secret of journalism), and that their fate did not hang on any passing owner’s passing mood, they did miracles.

Of course, Rudyard Kipling is a Dead White Male – and simultaneously cis and pro-Imperial, to boot! – so Denton probably felt that he could safely skip some corrective reading. Still, Gawker might have been wiser to treat this entire sorry affair as the failure in managerial oversight that it was. The proper response would have been to leave the story up, update it with a crawling apology, then change the editorial policy.  After that, all that would be left would be for Denton to voluntarily withdraw from all managerial duties for Gawker.com. Because these sites of his are not acting contrary to his deeper desires; far from it, really.

6 thoughts on “Look, Gawker is porno. That’s all it is. Specialized porno.”

    1. The number of folks who admitted to enjoying Gawker in public was, at one point, respectable – in demographic/advertising terms – and included Mx. Greenwald.
      This “respect” does not accrue to Mx. Greenwald in any way that I can determine.

  1. So, just to be clear about all this, am I right in understanding that the only problem the left has with this story is that the this guy was stepping out on his wife with a someone who happened to be another guy?


    Cuz to be honest, I’ve been following this story with a bit of puzzlement. And other than that detail, this seems like the sort of vile and salacious click-bait story that tabloid sites like Gawker have made their living on since the beginning.

    1. The Left has a problem because it was a gay liberal democrat being embarrassed by Gawker. I doubt they’d have reacted the same way for a non-political citizen, and they’d have cheered Gawker on if this story had been about a Republican.

  2. The KKK was once almost acceptable in polite liberal society too. Kind of says everything you need to know about the so-called “Polite Liberal Society”.

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