The ‘Victor Frankenstein’ trailer.

It’s, um, different.

But perhaps not totally devoid of interest. I’m having the devil of a time trying to reconcile the tech base with the 18th century, though. Looks a lot more like late Victorian/early Edwardian, and don’t get me started on that damnable League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie.

15 thoughts on “The ‘Victor Frankenstein’ trailer.”

        1. That … might not manage to completely suck.
          The odds aren’t *good*, but .. it’s possible.

  1. Hard to pin down the year. The bank of gauges at the 0:12 mark is obviously post 1880 (d’Arsonval movement amp guages), the clothing style looks about there too (I spent more time than I should have researching that). If the movie isn’t set in 1885-ish, then they’ve got their tech all wrong.

    1. I consider it a lesson in “how not to make an action/adventure movie” .. in the same league with the prior “Fantastic 4” iteration. (I understand the current iteration is no better …)
      Any filmmaker who wants to make a buck at this needs to study Campbell’s “hero’s journey” concept .. and any studio that green-lights a film without quizzing the filmmaker to *confirm* he or she *knows* Campbell .. is flushing money that they’d be better off putting in an envelope and mailing to me.

  2. I’m cautiously optimistic, and agree with my wife, that this has a RDJ/ Jude Law Sherlock feel.
    Her exact words were “you know, humor and explosions”

  3. Clothing is mid/late 1880’s – but an exaggerated, not very accurate version. So is this a sort of alternate fantasy type of period movie? We shall see. (I know A LOT about historic dress – gifted amateur level.)

        1. Just how many different eras have they dropped Sherlock Holmes into?
          (and, I’ll note, the Frankenstein myth has been time-shifted many *many* times as well …)

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