The Delta Green KS passes $180K, and my bank account screams…

…as now I have to squeeze another fifty bucks out of it to get the next unlocked tier item.  I mean, what am I gonna do? Pass up a King In Yellow campaign book? I know darned well I’m just going to buy it anyway.

Well, the good news?  There’s only currently a few more items that might force me to torture my bank account further until it gives up the cash.  No more than… [click click click] …one hundred bucks.  Sorry, no: one hundred and five.


Dag, but these people know how to properly exploit geeklust.

Oh, what the heck.

5 thoughts on “The Delta Green KS passes $180K, and my bank account screams…”

  1. Have you considered leasing out your children to do yard work and elder-care around the neighborhood?

  2. buying stuff thru your amwazon link. and trying to figure out patreon. they really really need a faq for absolute newbies to it.

  3. Yes. Yes they do.
    Those free pdfs they keep sending out to backers are pretty much crack for nerds.
    I know I’m jonesing for more.

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