One more day.

The robocalls are out tonight, and seem designed to target a certain segment of Donald Trump’s supporters by letting them know that he’s pro-gay and hates the Confederate flag. Because THAT’S the often wickedly-effective South Carolina Shadow Campaigning that we’ve all been expecting.  Well, at least there have been no incest allegations.


Moe Lane

*Fair warning. I have zero interest in fighting any wars tonight over homosexuality or the Confederate flag. I try to keep my essentially Northeastern RINO liberal squish nature under control, but I’m all the more infuriated because this dude makes me look bad. Donald Trump is at the point now where he taints what he touches.

16 thoughts on “One more day.”

  1. *sings*
    One Day more….
    Another day, another destiny,
    This never ending road thro’ insanity.
    These men who commit all these crimes
    Will surely do a second time
    One day more…..

  2. I dislike the confederate flag, and the confederate battle flag, as symbols of the Democratic Party. I still took Haley off my short list for President over that kerfuffle.

    1. It’s one thing to watch confused, spineless university presidents buckle, but to see Haley fold like a lawn chair was…disappointing.

  3. I don’t like these tactics but I hope they work. I would be immensely amused if Trump came in 3rd or worse.

    1. Well, he already ditched a townhall run by outspoken conservatives, at the last moment to boot.
      He’ll field questions from George Stephenopolis, but not Michelle Malkin?

  4. Yes. Those phone calls.
    I have received phone calls.
    I have made phone calls.
    Since I am – under my genial exterior – the avatar of Captain Cranky-Pants, calling me and wasting my time with lurid descriptions of some candidate is a guarantee to have me take your candidate and do my best to make his election day one of tribulation and woe.
    Because within a (month? week?) of primary day I have made up my mind; and all of your earnest phone calls trying to make me change my mind have had the effect of setting me in iron.
    There is, to me, a certain amount of personal insult being given, when some earnest young person on the phone keeps insisting that I am wrong and need to support Candidate X.
    That sort of insult – to me – is darn near unforgivable. I still have not gotten over the insult the RNC gave me about 2004; if I could have a quiet moment alone with the genius who came up with that idea he’d be leaving in a sandwich bag.

    1. Okay.
      I came home and on my apartment mailbox was a sticker that I had a certified letter. I am an attorney and a certified letter means nothing good. I spent my lunch going across town to a post office distribution center. I got the certified letter. It was a “Beg-O-Gram” from the RNC and they said they were using this form of communication to get my attention.
      They did.
      I waited until I got into my car before I started screaming. I wanted to rip the [bleep] of the [bleep] from the [bleep] and boy – did I express myself!
      I do not think I have donated to the Republican party – local, state, or national – since then.
      I was up all night worried about the contents of that certified letter. I wasted my lunch hour going to fetch that letter. And it was “please give the GOP money!”
      I have to stop, I am starting to again shiver from righteous rage, contemplating the complete bull’s production that thought ‘this is a great idea!’

  5. Per your point about Trump making us look bad, @SooperMexican nailed it on his podcast last night: We (pick one or more: Republicans, conservatives, libertarians) try hard to say, “We’re not all racists!”, then Trump comes along and more or less says, “Hell yeah we are!”. Ditto “We don’t hate all Muslims”. Even Fox news, we stick up for them (“They’re not crazy reactionaries!”) and Trump’s got a lot of THEM in the tank for him which undercuts them not being RWNJs.
    Just like I’ve never believed Obama’s a closet Muslim bent on destroying the Great Satan yet can’t think of too many things he’d’ve done differently if he WERE, I don’t buy the “Trump’s working with the Clintons to take down the GOP” theory, but for the life of me I can’t really see how he could be doing much more damage if he were.

    1. From the wreckage of the Whig Party sprang the R Party . Of course it was only with God’s greatest gift to the Republic , A Lincoln , that the R party became something other than the wreckage of the Whig Party . I see no Lincoln anywhere , sadly .

      1. Well, Lincoln was a washed up one-term congressman and reality entertainment* star of the day, and that’s it. We may have a star somewhere and not know it yet.
        *The debates with Douglass were as much the entertainment of the day as they were informative. I weep for current cultural priorities.

        1. We are past due for a re-shuffling of the political deck – the old blocs are fitting together less and less well, the new blocs aren’t fitting at all ..
          My hope is that the Dem party snaps first, but they’re both under quite a lot of strain.

    2. ‘s an interesting question – is it collusion, culture, or coincidence?
      The follow-up question that must be asked is .. is it a distinction or a difference?
      I will note, just for my own amusement, that one of the things Trump is accomplishing is to show the .. call it the Dem anti-racist culture.
      There exists no presumption of innocence, no way to say “I am not a racist” and be believed… which is just as crazy as the actual racists.

    3. Those lines are stupid, pathetic, and self-defeating.
      If someone accuses you of being racist for not agreeing with then, counterattack the bigot for stereotyping you. Take his own arguments, and apply then to him without mercy. He’s projecting into you, take the bay he’s handing you, and best him with it.
      Don’t ever cede the basis, and beg for personal exemption. One, it won’t go well for you. Two, you’ll deserve getting beaten like a drum.
      No, I don’t hate all Muslims.
      I hate Islam. For damned good reason. Disputing this position necessitates ignoring the evidence of the last 1500 years.
      No I don’t hate the poor bastards in the third world for wanting to escape the hellholes in which the were born.
      But I also do not want to see them bring those pathologies with them, destroy my community, drive down wages for my neighbors and I, overwhelm the local educational and medical systems, all so someone unaffected can feel smug.

  6. Looks like poor old George Wallace got stapled and/or glued to the Republican party again. Funny how that always confuses the same people, over and over again.

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