My RedState post on the South Carolina Democratic primary.

Found here.  Well, they had it, and they called it for Hillary Clinton right off the bat, and she crushed Bernie Sanders, and… they barely managed 368K voters.  Which beat the adjusted target number of  235K that I suggested would be “fair,” but was still far below the 500K that they managed in 2008. Those guys are having a real enthusiasm problem.

3 thoughts on “My RedState post on the South Carolina Democratic primary.”

  1. It’s interesting .. there’s quite a bit of excitement around Bernie, but it’s concentrated in a small number of people, and it’s not particularly virulent.
    The Hillary supporters, on the other paw, have a grim determination to push her across the line .. the grim part is highly virulent, but doesn’t spread beyond existing Hillary supporters…
    So .. yeah. This race is pretty much the GOP’s to lose.. and they’re doing a hell of a job of it.

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