Elections tonight: Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi.

150 delegates at stake, and not a WTA race in the bunch.  Results will be tracked here: gonna be a late tonight on these, folks.  Hawaii we’ll probably find out in the morning, in fact.  If I had to put money down… Ted Cruz takes Idaho.  Donald Trump takes Mississippi, maybe: Cruz is possibly surging there big-time. Trump may have a better margin in Michigan, but John Kasich is likewise surging there, if not quite so big-time. And it’s not-Trump in Hawaii (too many voters with Chinese and Japanese ancestry there, and the state relies on Asian-Pacific tourism too much). I favor Marco Rubio for that race, but for no really scientific reason.

But that’s just my guesswork.

[UPDATE: rather better night for Trump in Michigan and probably Mississippi than I expected or perhaps only hoped, alas. They’re gonna call both pretty soon.]

4 thoughts on “Elections tonight: Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi.”

  1. The various pastors in my family tree – all in the southeast – have been going nuts for Cruz for weeks now ..
    If they’re half as obnoxious in person as they are on social media, and it’s going to have an effect, now’s the time.

  2. I voted for Cruz in Oakland County Mi around 4pm was voter 277 very light turnout. I’ve been voter about 600 in earlier primaries about the same time of day, of course they Just moved the polling place. Oakland County is heavily Republican. The location also was the polling place for district 6, I’m in district 5, 6 seemed to have an even lighter turnout than 5 from what I saw. Bad timing man, bad timing.

  3. I notice Sanders has Hillary in Mi. maybe there was more crossover voting that I thought would happen, I certainly thought about it.

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