So, it looks like I’m finally gonna succumb to Agents of SHIELD.

Before I get in too deep, though: this is not going to be as alarming as Jessica Jones, right?  I mean, I figure that I’ll finish watching Jessica Jones, because it isn’t bad. But I’m looking for something that’s, I dunno, a little less PTSD-y and so forth. This isn’t gonna go down that road right away, right?

17 thoughts on “So, it looks like I’m finally gonna succumb to Agents of SHIELD.”

  1. I only watched the first half of season one, and it was awhile ago. As much as I enjoy the movies, I have a hard time staying interested in the series.

  2. Oh! My! God! I have been telling you to get into this show since day one!
    No, it is not as intense as Jessica Jones. We are talking about network TV here.

    Also, Tahiti. It’s a magical place.

    1. Yeah, what he said.
      One thing to note – the series and movies cross the streams a bit, so – you would be advised to look up movie release dates and original air dates because some of the “everyone should have seen [film] by now” references will othetwise be misses.

    2. One more thing: If you are a fan of LOST or Dollhouse, then expect a few eastee eggs. The LOST is very subtle and will take too long to explain, but they use a repeated line from Dollhouse. I remeber Dollhouse fans going nuts over that line.

      1. There are fans of Dollhouse? As in people who look back fondly on a series that should have been cancelled after 2 episodes, but it survived because Fox was too scared after the Firely debacle?
        As in the show that got renewed at the same time that the far superior Sarah Connor Chronicles was cancelled because, again, Fox was too scared to cancel total dreck? People actually want Easter Eggs for that?

  3. You do need to go in to AoS season 1 with the understanding that the storyline was designed to coincide with the release of Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. So, while there’s some of the typical “monster of the week” stuff going on, there’s also some deliberate thumb-twiddling in the storyline as they had to wait for Cap2 to come out. Once you get to the episodes shown right after Cap2, things pick up quite a bit.

  4. My only complaint about Agents of SHIELD is that it tends to spend a little too much time setting things up in both seasons 1 and 2.

    That said, once it starts knocking over dominoes, it grabs you.

  5. Agents of SHIELD is nothing like Jessica Jones. It takes a while to get going…be prepared to give it most of its first season spending time on stand-alones, before it links up with Winter Soldier…but it’s become a heavily arc-driven show that chews through plot like there’s no tomorrow. So, consistently entertaining, if uneven.

    1. They probably should have delayed the start of the series so Cap 2 happened earlier in season 1, I think.

    2. Logging in just to affirm this statement. I think the effects and CGI get better after the first half of season 1 as well.

  6. The bits about what happened to Coulson just barely skirt the ‘heavy’ edge when it comes to light comic book fare. I found it a little dark, but not too much. Compared to Jessica Jones? Its got nothing. Its your standard Comic Book fare, just in serialized format.

    That said, they are perfectly happy to kill off major characters frequently.

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