Did H.R. Giger accidentally create the chupacabra?

If so: I did not know this.

…[H.R.] Giger was also influential in a bizarre and little-known way: He unknowingly helped create the Hispanic vampire beast el chupacabra, one of the world’s best-known monsters which has been reported throughout Latin America attacking and sucking the blood out of animals — typically goats and chickens. Though many people mistakenly believe that the chupacabra has been reported for many decades, it was first sighted in Puerto Rico in 1995.

Apparently the description of the chupacabra by the woman who first reported it scans reasonably closely to the monster in the 1995 flick Species. …No, not Natasha Henstridge. What Natasha Henstridge turns into whenever the directors wanted to freak people out. Anyway: I suspect that there’s an adventure seed in that, at least for a modern horror game…

Dwayne Johnson to play Doc Savage.

OK, I can see this. The important thing here, I think, is that Dwayne Johnson WANTS to play Doc Savage; based on conversations I’ve had with my wife* Savage is a role that you can’t just play casually.  You need to be able to go all out. I’m pretty sure Johnson can do that, and genuine enthusiasm can make up for a lot. Guess we’ll see, huh? …Eventually: it’s probably not coming out before 2018.

Moe Lane

*She’s read the books, I haven’t. They’re on the pile, but… well. So is a lot of other stuff. Heaven for me is likely going to involve a well-stocked set of bookshelves, a TV, and a comfy chair…

A random observation that may be the only observation that you get from me today.

It really is kind of weird, the way that suddenly one day we all woke up in a world where changing a computer mouse was no longer a let’s-find-the-driver pain in the rear. Now you just yank one out of the packaging and keep on going. I’d like to go all sentimental and say that we lost something with this new convenience, somehow – only it’d be an absolute lie. I absolutely HATED replacing mice, back in the day.

That’s it. Enjoy your Sunday.

Movie of the Week: Cloverfield.

Weird that I’ve never done Cloverfield before, but if I have then I didn’t tag it properly. Go figure. Anyway: I know that the shaky-cam thing can set off adverse physiological effects on people – or they just don’t like it on general principles – but I’ve never had a problem with shaky-cam, and goodness knows a for-real giant monster movie filmed at street level can justify its use. …I’m sure that I’ve talked about this before, though. Cloverfield is, like, this movie that’s being filmed while another giant monster movie – one that’s a bit more conventional – is going on. As a conceit it’s an acquired taste, sure, but I’m now kind of ready to go watch it again.

And so, adieu to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Continue reading Movie of the Week: Cloverfield.