…And they laughed at my never throwing out computer equipment. LAUGHED!

WELL! I just used my Chromebook to download the drivers to a wifi dongle that works on Windows 10 to access the hotspot that will allow me internet access! And now I can use that access to get the drivers to the other wifi dongle to use that one instead and un-cannibalize the craft room computer! SO WHO IS LAUGHING NOW?!?

…sorry if that came across as manic. But if you can read this, then I have wifi hotspot access, so maybe I am being a little manic. It’s all good.

7 thoughts on “…And they laughed at my never throwing out computer equipment. LAUGHED!”

  1. Heh. I used to share that policy .. then we had a freak** storm at the last house…
    The basement, where the computer gear was stored, ended up with 4′ of water, and .. after it all mostly dried, it went to the recycling center.
    These things do seem to re-grow, though .. the closet in the new home office is sporting a small stack of old gear already.
    ** Apparently, the *first* “hundred year storm” in a 100 year period gets called a “hundred year storm” .. the *second* one in the *same* 100 year period gets called “freak” .. who knew civil engineers could be so .. precise in their mendacity?

  2. My wife has a vendetta against clutter. I have to hide my stash of old gear, which limits its size (and usefulness).

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