Yeah, that was an experiment.

I needed to jump-start my creativity a little, so I found a random idea generator [dunno why the link didn’t take, sorry] and just kept clicking at random until I had three things that looked like they’d be amusing to write.  …Worked out all right, I guess, but maybe it worked out no better than being ‘serviceable.’ I guess I’ll try it again sometime and see if it works better then.

8 thoughts on “Yeah, that was an experiment.”

  1. The thing I like the most about the Casefiles one is that suddenly something like Warehouse 23 makes sense. A pocket sized generator that you understand, great! Everyone should be carrying around one.

    A pocket sized generator that you have no clue about, could be useful, could be running on a piece of anti-matter capable of taking out a chunk of the planet. Might as well store it away.

    1. When I read Warehouse 23 for the first time, I was struck by how often I was agreeing with the Secret Masters about how many of the items in there really needed to be locked away. Heck, losing the Ark of the Covenant in a government warehouse somewhere was probably the smartest thing that the Top Men could have done with the blessed thing.

      1. What item, from the warehouse (or the dumpster .. things the Secret Masters are not interested in keeping ..) still gives you chills and/or goosebumps?
        For me, it was the Vampiric fleas.

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