Creature seed: Japanese Office Chairs (sella ambulant japonica)

:brightly: Good morning!  I’ve had coffee! Whee!



Japanese Office Chairs

(sella ambulant japonica)

They are… living office chairs.  That move around on their own. They eat dust bunnies and excrete… dust bunnies. They mate – don’t ask, and don’t look, either – and reproduce by laying eggs in storage rooms, which then hatch into baby office chairs which then eat discarded office equipment until they reach full size.  When one dies, it… stops moving on its own, but still remains a perfectly usable office chair.  But most people bring their dead ones to the storage spawn pits, where it is swiftly ingested by the next generation of Japanese Office Chairs. Continue reading Creature seed: Japanese Office Chairs (sella ambulant japonica)

Tweet of the Day, But Is It *Art*? edition?

Heh. Trick question!  Of course it’s art: the artist got paid.

Besides, Gold Zero is a funny concept: an art display that you can only see from the air – which is easier than ever, thanks to drone technology. And, truth be told: the artist saw an implicit pattern in that particular area, so she sent in people with brushes to bring it to the surface. It’s like some of your better graffiti (or street art, if you want to define things that way).

Or something. Sorry, it’s not yet 8 AM and I lack coffee.

So Schlock Mercenary is now grappling with a spiritual question.

Although I suppose that some people would call it an ethical one, despite the fact that the ethics are largely straightforward. For background, Schlock Mercenary is a far-future webcomic where one of the lead characters (Captain Tagon) recently got himself killed doing something heroic in order to save his crew.  The thing is, it’s a far-future world, and the technology for braintaping people just got introduced.  Tagon had a backup made, forty minutes before he hand-delivered an armed ship’s missile to a boarding party invading his ship.  This is important because there was no body to retrieve: the new Tagon is only genetically identical to the old one, with 99.9999% all of his memories and presumably his entire personality. Continue reading So Schlock Mercenary is now grappling with a spiritual question.

In Nomine revisited: The Right Worshipful Brothers of the Venerable and Arcane Order of St. Bickerstaff.

In case you’re wondering, one of the reasons why I’m pulling some of these things out of storage and cleaning them up a bit is because next year I’ll be starting up the process of creating my own gaming supplements. Which means I need to teach myself at least the basics of self-publishing and layout, because I can’t afford to pay for it and I don’t want to depend on volunteer work (assuming I got volunteers).  Anyway, I figure that if I have to learn by doing, I might as well make some free supplements in the process; goodness knows I have a lot of creative work out there that I absolutely cannot sell.  It seems more efficient this way, as long as I follow, say, SJG’s Online Policy. So I’m pulling files. Mostly In Nomine ones, because I wouldn’t mind sparking a little interest in the game line.

Anyway, back to blasting the pasting:

Continue reading In Nomine revisited: The Right Worshipful Brothers of the Venerable and Arcane Order of St. Bickerstaff.

The somewhat brutally exasperated ‘Suicide Squad’ Honest Trailer.

I understand why, too.  I liked Suicide Squad, but DC still hasn’t gotten its stuff together yet when it comes to movies.  Which is, like Honest Trailers, I am also somewhat worried about the Wonder Woman movie.  I would very much like them to not throw away the multiple advantages that they have, going in, with that property.

@EvilHatOfficial has put a bunch of Spirit of the Century books…

…on ridiculous Christmas sale.  Spirit of the Century, for those unfamiliar, is an RPG for playing 1930s-style action/super-science/adventure pulp; the books on sale are pretty much Young Adults, and feature such things as dinosaur worlds, sentient apes on Mars, two-fisted adventurers, and at least one plucky Midwest gadgeteer and her racing tractor.  I figure I’ll give ’em to my kids OH DAMMIT IF THEY’RE GOING TO BE KIDS’ CHRISTMAS GIFTS THEN I COULD HAVE SPENT HOUSE MONEY ON THIS.

…Well.  Spirit of the season, and all that. Besides, they’re going for only two bucks a throw.