So, what does horseback riding look like at Tech Level 8?

Here you go:

If these things work as advertised then they’re probably going to end up replacing iron horseshoes. As that article above notes, the big question is whether mud is going to pop those suckers right off. But if they don’t… well, I’m sure the horses wouldn’t mind not having the business with the nails and the hammer and all that.

Oh, good: the Pokemon Zoography 2017 Calendar Kickstarter funded.

I don’t really have any personal use for it – I don’t play Pokemon Go – but the person drawing the Pokemon Zoography 2017 Calendar is also the artist for the TimeWatch RPG, so, you know, part of the tribe and all that. Besides: the more creative work that gets supported, the more that gets created. As a creator myself I recognize this.

And so @alyankovic wins in the end.

I was showing this video to my kid, because he’s old enough to start getting a proper education, and I realized: Weird Al turned out to be right, after all.  Mark Hamill will have at least two new Star Wars acting credits (decades after the originals), by the time this is all over. And he is an older gentlemen, at this point.  WHO’S LAUGHING NOW, INTERNET?

Adventure seed: Dude, Where’s My Tree?

Blame this.


Dude, Where’s my Tree?

So, the party gets a knock on the door of their office one evening – what, they don’t have an office?  If you’re running a modern supernatural/occult fixer game the party has to have an office. It’s practically de rigeur.  Otherwise, how is anybody supposed to find them in order to hire them, threaten them, or collapse in a dying heap on the floor while croaking out one last cryptic warning? Continue reading Adventure seed: Dude, Where’s My Tree?

It has been a busy enough week.

I’ve been sifting through the various sands for publishers who will do reprints – as I’ve noted before, everything published either here or on Patreon counts as a reprint – and submitting the various stories that I’ve created so far.  And so now it’s just a matter of sitting back, and watching the rejection emails flow in. Although I still have a bunch of stories that I have yet to prep for sending out, mostly because I want to have a nice, even flow. I figure that getting into a routine of making sure that I send out at least one story every day to be rejected will keep me productive.

This is, by the way, not despair talking.  The expectation here for me has to be that I will gather a plethora of rejections. That’s just simply how it works. That’s how it works for everybody. And while I am of course a brilliant writer, I am also competing now in an arena that has its own rules and ways of doing things. So there’s that.  Besides, eventually they’ll start sending me rejection emails that explain why.  Feedback that I can use, in other words.

Moe Lane

PS: Scrivener? Totally worth it. Continue reading It has been a busy enough week.

Anybody play Enderal?

…I could have sworn that I asked this before, but apparently not.  Enderal pretty much uses the Skyrim engine to create a whole new game: and I mean whole new.  It’s pretty comprehensively different.  This review suggests that it’s a lot of fun, but it has elements in it that I kind of don’t groove to, like not being able to do anything and go anywhere that I want.

Moe Lane

PS: What?  I’m doing what everybody else is doing with regard to Skyrim’s Special Edition: waiting for SKSE to get done. Ask me a hard one.