Item seed: The Broad-Origin, Radiating Information-Nullification Generator.


The Broad-Origin, Radiating Information-Nullification Generator

This item is fairly clearly of Department of Defense manufacture, and intended for the field, at that.  It’s your standard nine-inch, ten pound cuboid with a handle, a pull-tab, one-time activation switch, and enough rubberized, blunt-spiked corners and hardened steel to make it clear that you could swing B.O.R.I.N.G. at somebody’s head and still have it work afterwards.  Which happens quite a lot, really. Continue reading Item seed: The Broad-Origin, Radiating Information-Nullification Generator.

Book of the Week: “The Demolished Man.”

I’ll be honest: this is largely meant as a reminder that I should go read Alfred Bester’s The Demolished Man again.  Geez, do I still even have my copy?  It was in a paperback anthology and I seem to remember that the binding was cruddy.  Anyway: great book that tried to think pretty hard about the implications of ubiquitous telepathy when it came to crime. Yeah, definitely worth a re-read.

And so, adieu to Farmer Giles of Ham.

In which I use my blog to let my wife vent a little over Five Nights at Freddie’s.

So, my sister-in-law emailed my wife, somewhat plaintively, to ask “What’s with all this Five Nights at Freddie’s stuff with the nephews, anyway?”  My wife waxed poetic on the subject.  Also, profane.

As do I. Dear Lord, but I loathe this game.  Mostly because they’re trying to sell to kids. I mean, it’s not hurting either of them – otherwise, we’d shut it down, of course – but marketing a horror game to kids under ten is a bit much.

Short Short Version of the Five Nights at Freddie’s (FNAF) mythology: Continue reading In which I use my blog to let my wife vent a little over Five Nights at Freddie’s.

Item Seed: Koreite.

I also got one for ‘plotonium,’ but that may be taking the joke too far.



Koreite (three syllables, by the way) is an ‘element’ that exists in universes that are at the outer edge of being habitable for ‘regular’ humans (i.e., us).  If sampled, it appears to be atomically equivalent to indium… which is absurd, because indium doesn’t glow blue and is toxic. Koreite is also incredibly more common in its ‘host’ universes than indium is in ours. Continue reading Item Seed: Koreite.

Making the Cheese and Garlic Crack Bread.

Background here:  had to make this this afternoon, before the bread went too stale.  Pictures of the extravaganza so far:

img_20161203_1333003_rewind img_20161203_1333037_rewind

I suspect that I probably should have added more cheese, but we will see in about fifteen minutes or so.

Continue reading Making the Cheese and Garlic Crack Bread.

Item Seed: Platonium



This stuff can only be made in a particle accelerator that has been consecrated to the worship of Hephaestus by a priestess of the Cabeiri mystery cult.  Fortunately, there are any number of engineering fraternities that can provide the necessary personnel, which is one reason why the American Greek system continues to exist on the collegiate level.  The esoteric benefits are simply still too vital for national security. Continue reading Item Seed: Platonium