…Which last reminds me: I am an Amazon affiliate.

If you Christmas shop at Amazon via this link, you put money in my pocket at no cost to you. Which is always true about Amazon links generally.  I don’t bring it up, much, but it is Christmas time and people are gonna shop anyway.

Moe Lane

PS: If you don’t want to give me money I’m pretty sure that there’s still somebody else out there more to your tastes who wouldn’t mind the affiliate traffic, either. Or who might just really, really need it. I’m pretty blessed, honestly.

…Shine on, you crazy 300 page L&O:SVU fanfic-printing at the office diamond.

Shine on.

The fanfic in question is called “Atlantis,” by Lyricara. It is apparently one of the greatest fanfics to have ever been written by anyone, anywhere – at least, if you believe the people responding on Twitter, who certainly all sound like fans and who pegged the work on sight.  I’m not going to lie, folks: if I watched more of Law & Order: SVU I’d probably be flipping through it right now.  I might do so anyway.  Although that may just be me loving the concept more than the reality, here.

Tweet of the Day, …Well Played, @Comcastcares. Well Played edition.

This is what it looks like to tap-dance on the line between trolling, and excellent customer service.  Seriously, it’s impressive.  ComcastCares also won that particular exchange, which is even more impressive. Although it was all in good fun:

In which I abruptly develop empathy for my fellow-writers.

Good God, but I just got filled in on the original/’reprint’ racket.  Long story (heh) short: everything counts when it comes to whether a story’s a reprint, apparently.  Including things like, say, Patreon accounts or websites. And the rates go through the floor.  I say this with bemusement, not anger: it’s a hell of a racket, particularly since nobody seems to be actually making a mint off of it.

I’m just grateful that I discovered this on Day Two. Looks like I’m going to have to write more things that just go straight out to the publishers before anyone else sees them. I’m also contemplating whether I need to seriously reassess how long I wait before I put Patreon-generated works on this website: there’s some debate about whether things published via subscription count as reprints, and absolutely none on whether things published on websites do.

So join my Patreon, dagnabbit.


Moe Lane

PS: None of this should affect the gaming stuff, though. Different rules and I expect that I’ll be mostly self-publishing, anyway.

Tell me a story: The Brandenburg Sanction (1863 AD [alternate])

Let’s play a game.  This is set in the same world as that story I wrote (and am now trying to sell)…

The Khazarian golem had an old, faded France-over-Sea sigil on its left shoulder; I wasn’t sure whether this meant that it had fought in the War, the sigil was meant to be disinformation, or whether it just liked the Bonaparte dynasty. Although probably the first and third weren’t really contradictory. After all, the French were allies with what was left of Khazaria, these days.  For that matter, so were we.

It’s funny, really. After the first big War we thought that we were going to stop having these sorts of scraps; and after the second big War we had to stop having them – but twenty years later and here we are; still cleaning up the dog’s breakfast that we made of the Great Settlement. Bavaria against Brandenburg, and let’s never say that it’s us against the Russians. We can’t have that. We also can’t have a reunited Central Europe, which is why the operation tonight…

…So.  What happened next?