Tweet of the Night, …Is Chuck Yeager Trying To Pick Up Taylor Swift, Here? edition.

Probably not; but that’s kind of how this reads. Dude’s 94, by the way, and he still ‘sounds’ pretty damned spry. I don’t expect to be this spry at 94.

5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Night, …Is Chuck Yeager Trying To Pick Up Taylor Swift, Here? edition.”

  1. I was there when BGEN Yeager broke the sound barrier for us on the 40th anniversary of his first doing so…he can do whatever he bloody well wants, AFAIC.

  2. “It is a sobering thought, for example, that when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years.” — Tom Lehrer, 1965

  3. This reminds me of a TV program I saw a number of years ago where Katie Couric was interviewing the CEO of a Fortune 100 company.

    (From memory and highly paraphrased)

    Katie: “How do you justify getting paid $11 million a year when your workers get paid so much less”

    He: “Katie, I am responsible for a multi-billion dollar company with 13 separate division, more than 70,000 employees and operating in 47 countries arond the world. You, on the other hand, get $11 million a year for being cute.”

    That was in the days before mic drop.

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