My mini-review of King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.

Short version: the trailer accurately gives a feeling for what the movie is like. If you were into the trailer, it’s probably safe for you to see the movie. Jude Law does crazy well. I’m buying the soundtrack.

Slightly longer version: I can understand why many reviewers did not like King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. It is not, perhaps, a movie for the ages. It would also have been improved in its pacing and presentation if Guy Ritchie had instead made it as a thirteen-part television show and then sold it to Netflix. Or even just done the movie in two parts.

But I had fun. It’s a movie that may not be very solemn about the King Arthur legend, but it doesn’t make mock of the heroic aspects of King Arthur, either. It’s also refreshingly casual about tossing in spectacle, of which there is much in the movie.  The action scenes are very… Guy Ritchie. Either you like that, or you don’t.  I was cool with it.

Lastly, Jude Law did a nice job in this movie.  As I said before: he does crazy well. And evil, particularly with a heavy mix of ruthlessness mixed in.  I almost want them to redo Gladiator, just to see how Jude Law would play Commodus.  And there’s nobody else who could play Commodus, honestly.

Moe Lane

PS: Good soundtrack.

One thought on “My mini-review of King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.”

  1. I went to see it as well, its pacing is exactly the same as the first trailer, just 2 hours and 15 minutes of it.
    I felt that the weird flashbacks/telling about the future while in the present, was taken too far in this movie ( I feel as if it worked very well in the sherlock movies that Guy Ritchie also directed).
    Its kinda clear that the pacing seemed so off because they were making a 4 or 6 hour movie but had reduced it down to 2 hours.
    My lasting impression was, “this would make a good video game” but not so great a movie. Guy Ritchie also wants to make 5 more sequels. He should take your advice and do a netflix TV series. It would be more profitable considering the lower then expectations box office performance.

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