Tweet of the Day, @Rianjohnson Is A Big Ol’ Nerd edition.

A big ol’ drunken nerd who had a 220 million domestic opening weekend.  This is at least from 2012, and dear God but the irony abounds. Weird Al Yankovic has an absolutely unique finger on our cultural pulse, you know?

Moe Lane

PS: I can think of worse things that getting drunk and belting out Yoda, so kai Rian Johnson. He probably would get that reference, too.

One thought on “Tweet of the Day, @Rianjohnson Is A Big Ol’ Nerd edition.”

  1. I’ve wanted to do a “Weird Al” costume for years, but to do it properly I’d need to buy and learn how to play the accordion so I could play My Bologna, Yoda, and Another One Rides The Bus.

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