Tweet of the Day, Shield Your EMRs edition.

You do have to feel for this astronomer; she’s had to chuckle good-naturedly about this for the last three years, and she’ll probably have to do it for the rest of her life. Ach, well. It’s a good story, at least.

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Shield Your EMRs edition.”

  1. I’m reminded of a story from Purdue. This experiment by some physics students was getting different results if they ran it during the day vs. if they ran it at night. They tore their hair out (metaphorically) trying to figure out why, when someone got the idea to test the voltage coming out of the wall socket. Sure enough, the voltage was actually lower at night than it was during the day. They tracked it back to the Purdue power plant– the guy whose job it was to replace the gigantic light bulbs that illuminated the power plant smokestacks at night got tired of changing them, so he was turning down the master campus voltage at night so fewer volts went through those bulbs so they didn’t have to be changed as often.

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