Quote of the Day, What Could Possibly Go Wrong With Immersive Real-Time AVR Rigs? edition.

I was actually going to go with, “And then the murders began” — but I had already used that joke yesterday. But, seriously, this is how the horror anthology episode starts:

Researchers at Microsoft have developed new VR technologies that they claim allow users to remain fully immersed in a virtual world even while traversing public places in the real world on foot. Microsoft describes the project, titled DreamWalker, as “a method for allowing people to safely navigate a given route in real-world environments, such as a daily walk to work, while seeing themselves strolling a different VR world, such as a city of their choosing.”

“DreamWalker.” It’s like they want manitou.

More seriously: I’m mildly curious how the final iteration of DreamWalker is going to render the car that just blew a stop sign right into your crosswalk while you’re off exploring Minas Tirith or something. Or, only technically better, a bicyclist doing the same thing. It’s not that big a deal right now, as the current tech doesn’t actually replace anything — but replacing everything is gonna be the eventual end goal. Sure as taxes and death, honestly.

Ooh, somebody’s gonna eventually decide to drive while using this thing! That’s gonna be fun to see. From very, very far away.

Moe Lane

PS: But there’s gonna be manitou, too. Don’t blame me, blame Deadlands and DreamWalker.

2 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, What Could Possibly Go Wrong With Immersive Real-Time AVR Rigs? edition.”

  1. I would imagine it’ll work under some sort of image swap system. i.e. you see a chariot racing down the road while a car drives past.

  2. Ummm.. wasn’t this a plot point in the first BioShock game?
    First the Microsoft phone guys grab Cortana from Halo, now this..

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