They were less thrilled about STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER than I was.

And, truthfully, I wasn’t really thrilled about it. I called it ‘pretty good,’ which I thought and think it was; but I am forgiving when it comes to popcorn movies, as you all know. I think that Honest Trailers overstates their case when they said that people on both sides of their reaction to the previous film could unite in hating this one, though. It made over a billion worldwide; somebody must have liked it.

5 thoughts on “The STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER Honest Trailer.”

  1. I’d like to say *nobody* was really thrilled about it, but Reddit has definitely shown me that there *are* people with absolutely undiscriminating taste.
    Likewise, there’s definitely something to the idea that it united people that loved TLJ with people that hated it, but those crowds don’t agree on much of anything else, so it’s not much of an alliance. (Again, Reddit has taught me things. Mostly, things I’d have been better off not knowing.)

  2. It aged like mayo in the sun, but I was entertained for the single time I will ever watch it sans a Rifftrax. What a waste of a trilogy.

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