Book of the Week: To End In Fire (Crown of Slaves).

To End In Fire (Honor Harrington universe, in case you’re not familiar) is in pre-order, but that’s what E-ARCs are for and I don’t care who doesn’t like those. I love E-ARCs. I’ve always loved the idea of E-ARCs, and I cheerfully spend money on the concept.

It’s also nice that David Weber and Eric Flint are starting to wrap up this story. I buy ’em and I continue to buy them, but no sense in having it last forever, right?

One thought on “Book of the Week: To End In Fire (Crown of Slaves).”

  1. Moe, my Honor-Harrington-fan-self is thankful for you posting this.

    My credit card, not so much 🙂

    (also I sure hope that Weber’s editors at least made an attempt this time, and I say that as a life-long Weber fan.)

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