So. Diablo II Remastered. Talk me into it, or talk me down?

Either is plausible: I played that game a hell of a lot when it first came out: Necromancer all the way, my droogies*. I could be playing it again. But do I really want to get sucked into Diablo II again? …Scratch that question, because the answers obvious. Is it really a good idea?

Moe Lane

If you’re wondering: I told myself that I had a bunch of spirits on hand on the other side of the Veil who just needed bodies. It was unfortunate that there were such… visceral special effects; but me and my guys were there to save the world, man! My guys wouldn’t hurt a fly! Unless it was demonic or something, sure.

3 thoughts on “So. Diablo II Remastered. Talk me into it, or talk me down?”

  1. The issue I always had with Diablo is .. the bigger the bad, the less they actually seem to do.

  2. Because there’s a lot of good stuff out there that you haven’t already played?

    I’m pretty meh on remasters. I like that they increase the exposure of things I liked. But better graphics is a poor substitute for the wonder of encountering something for the first time. And it’s worse if they take the opportunity to “sanitize”. A parody presented as a loving homage is just wrong, horrible, and boring.

  3. I’ve got it. I’ve been playing it. It’s… pretty much exactly the game that it was (though players 8 no longer works). Like, “if you don’t like the new graphics, you can use the old graphics instead, and then it’s the same game” exactly the game.

    I will say that it’s a game from 20 years ago by now, which means that the overall addictivity techniques are less tuned than what we’ve been adapted to in the meantime. There’s also quite a lot less chat overall (both in individual games and in the lobby).

    I haven’t seen much sanitizing. I think there are a few places where “attractive female demon” enemies have been tuned a bit more towards the “demon” side but that’s about it, and I’m not even sure of that.

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