The ARCANE Honest Trailer.

…I dunno. I kinda want to see this now? I skipped it, because I figured ARCANE was a stupid video game tie-in thing, but maybe it’s… not?

Not that I’ll play the game, mind you. I don’t play all the games I have already.


2 thoughts on “The ARCANE Honest Trailer.”

  1. I’ve heard good things on this one from guys who have seemed to *hate* everything else recently. StarWars and StarTrek and whatever they’re profaning the name of LotR with so far with check all the wrong boxes IYKWIMAITYD.

    I grok that perspective may not pull you as far as it does me, but these standards are specific enough for me to consider their approval high praise.

  2. I watched the first episode, and it was surprisingly good. I’ve never played League of Legends, so I don’t know how well it ties in with the game. But the characters are interesting, and there’s plenty of action.

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