Tweet of the Day, Scenes From The Class Struggle In A McRib Assembly Video edition.

This video approaches the Line: yes, I admit it. But I’m letting it slide because McRib. Besides, the video also demonstrates just how much effort and planning goes into getting you your fast food sandwich. The Scotsman has had his stopwatch and time-motion analyses out for decades, folks; and by now you can really see the results. The tasty, tasty results.

Fun fact: the guy who made the video likely has more valuable life skills than the guy who put it on YouTube.

Via @JoePCunningham.

11 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Scenes From The Class Struggle In A McRib Assembly Video edition.”

    1. You’d be surprised.

      Now, my experience is 34 years out of date, but it was a priority for all the obvious reasons, and state laws.

  1. What … what were they expecting happened in the McDonald’s? Were they expecting the restaurant to butcher the McPig in the back for maximum freshness of the obviously manufactured, vaguely riblet-shaped meat patty?

    1. The first guy’s replies were full of people going “Wait, they’ve been trained properly on nitrile glove use?” in tones of wonder and even admiration.

      1. Gloves and handwashing are taught to death the first day at fast food (in my limited experience). Anyone who is surprised about it has obviously never worked a fast food job in their life.

        1. Not as much back when I was a fresh-out-of-drivers-ed fast food worker.. we got single use plastic one-size-better-fit-cuz-there-ain’t-another “gloves” that came apart at the seams after 2-3 sandwiches…

          “Just wash your hands good and use bleach “


  2. I will never understand the smug, unearned sense of superiority that seems to have become the coin of this realm.

    1. Understanding is nice, but not necessary.
      Just make sure you never accept it, or those who consider it legal tender.

  3. My first paying job (my family don’t pay me) was at a fast food restaurant. It was a summer job and taught me some rather important lesson about money.

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