I need good books on the following topics: armies of the Russian Civil War, the Black Dragon Society, and the Black Ocean Society/Gen’yōsha.

This isn’t for a current project, but I might write it in a year or two. I’m looking for basic histories, particularly with names of important members of all three during the 1920s. Even if the books are expensive, I still would at least like the titles.


6 thoughts on “I need good books on the following topics: armies of the Russian Civil War, the Black Dragon Society, and the Black Ocean Society/Gen’yōsha.”

  1. So the Cheka play the Tiger?
    Seems appropriate.

    How mystical are you going to make it?
    For all the name changes, secret police in Russia didn’t seem to have much turnover. So, basically a weird guild, that was a part of Russian life from Mongol times toward.
    Guilds tend to have rituals, and Slavic & Mongolian lore has a lot to mine.
    If the supernatural exists, they’re going to be in the prime position to learn of it…

  2. Side note, if your writing in the FarEast, don’t forget the Czechoslovakian Legion that seized the Trans Siberian Railroad in that time.

    1. It was during this time I e been told they won the hitherto landlocked Czechs their first/only naval victory on a lake in the area.

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