02/01/2023 Snippet, VERDICT OF HISTORY.

I don’t remember if I’ve put anything up about this story already. It’s going to be tricky, because the two main characters are both absolutely horrible human beings. And I don’t mean ‘diamonds in the rough,’ either. Killing either one of these guys wouldn’t be murder; it’d be the penance you’d have to perform to be forgiven for committing murder.

Firebrand raised an eyebrow when Razor-Claw’s guffawing didn’t stop after a few seconds, but he let the mundane get it all out. Extensive experience had let him hear the faintest notes of hysteria in the bandit’s laugh, which was… reasonable enough. His self-control is remarkably good, Firebrand thought. It’s a real shame he doesn’t have any arcane potential. He’d be a perfect recruit, otherwise.

“Aw, this is gonna be good,” Razor-Claw eventually managed to wheeze. “What the Hell would you need me for? Killing somebody?”

Firebrand grinned. “Got it in one! That’s exactly what I need you for. I want it to be as filthy a death as you can manage, too. Legendary, if you can swing it.”

Razor-Claw squinted at him — then scowled. “Wait. Is this political shit?”

“That’s two in a row. Dammit, is there any chance you might have some magic?”

“Naw, muttering and waving my hands around never did nothing. Shit, spells don’t bite me as hard as… ohhh. You need somebody who magic can’t fuck up as much.”

Firebrand beamed. “Exactly! Except that I also need somebody who’s good at murder, and you are very good at murdering people.”